Thinking Activity : Education and Technology

This blog is based on the classroom discussion of the below given presentation, videos and images. the blog is attached with the link.

1) Sir Ken Robinson :- (Changing Paradigms)

     In his talk he mention the Idea of concentration in children’s. So what are the reasons behind that children not paying attention in class, while teacher teach the things. So it is called ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), It means Children with ADHD maybe hyperactive and unable control their impulses. Or they may have trouble paying attention. Most of children attracted towards games, mobile, laptop, and T.V, so if parents don’t allow to use this things whole day so what children do?. They always think about this all technology. And in class while teacher gave lecture they not concentrate there. Than teacher complain his parents that your child not concentrate in class. So, the thing is that you can allow children to use the technology, so they can learn new things. And it may help for  batter understanding, and children attract towards subject, and create interest in learning. If learning does as in theoretical like in blackboard, children fill boring and not gave interest in learning. While do practical thing with the help of technology children’s are not fill boring, and they enjoy the learning.

There is another idea presented by  Ken that, Education is modeled on the interests of industrialization and in the image of IT. Like after industrial influence schools are build like factory. If we compare both the things as bells, sector facility (boys, girls), specialized subject. For Example Education given as by age, not by interest. Factory make product, as compare with schools they also make product by age group and by subject. So one question raise that Why do we do that?. So the thing is that same age can’t define as all are same student. But there knowledge are different, by the age difference.

       2) Sugata Mitra :-

     He work on one idea that was “Hole in the Wall”. It is the idea of unsupervised learning and computers. He decided to test his idea in the field. So Dr.Mitra’s team carved a “hole in the wall” that separated the NIIT premises from the adjoining slum in Kalkaji, New Delhi. Through this hole, a freely accessible computer was put up for use. This computer proved to be an instant hit among the slum dwellers, especially the children. With no prior experience, the children learnt to use the computer on their own. This prompted Dr.Mitra to propose the following hypothesis:

“The acquisition of basic computing skills by any set of children can be achieved through incidental learning provide the learners are given access to a suitable computing facility, with entertaining and motivating content and some minimal(human) guidance”.

Sugata Mitra think that everyone can learn language and computer, so why this things are in a separate in schools, why not provide to slum area?. So with this idea Mitra do research through gave computers in slum area. To know how they learn without teacher or without any knowledge of language and computer. And after a month he came back, and saw that children are use that computer, and know some English language because computer haven’t Hindi language. So the reason is while children do one thing repeatedly they know the process that what come next. Another thing is that in group of children can teach others, because if many children do the unique thing they all find new thing and they can teach to others also, while single child do the things in computer he find problem and he leave that thing. So this is called self learning without any teacher or without any information, children can learn from anywhere, by using technology. With this idea another thing come and that is “School in the cloud”. It is about internet sources that find by students for learning purpose. So in “Future of learning” he tell that the image of classroom is describe the environment of learning like in old age schools have photo frames on wall, and fill the blackboard with information. And the photos and painting make students attractive towards learning. So environment is important. He also tell that why learn in a classroom that have 20-30 students. What about other students?. So the thing is that make video of any lecture and put on internet for education purpose. This thing can help to so many students, and this is what maybe Sugata Mitra tells about “school in the cloud”. And the idea of self leaning also.

      3) Salman Khan :- (Use video to reinvent education) 
     Now a days technology came as for information, for games and other things so now children are attracted towards them. So if teacher can allow technology in classrooms, teacher can also connect with students and that environment makes children to learn new things. But it not happen like this so Salman Khan think about make video and put on internet or you tube, for education purpose. And he succeed in that.

     4) Marc Prensky :- (Digital Natives, Digital immigrants)

      Marc Prensky deal with the conflict between native and immigrants. That how they differ by technology. Like digital natives are use technology in multi-tasking way, but immigrants are use as one task to till complete that. Is this true? That natives are faster in doing work to compare with immigrants. Because it is about new generation education, and now a day's we live in digital era, so teacher have to learn faster by technology. Because they are digital immigrants, and they have to deal with the digital natives students. Now a day's teacher use game's to learn the subject topics, and students are interested in that. And marc Prensky also tells about that conflict in his video. 

     5) David Crystal :- (The effect of new technologies on English)

     Technology is part of our life and with the help of that tools like Facebook, twitter, Etc.. it can help to learn new things, and also English language.

Example of twitter  : what people think they write on twitter, every day. It is like send massage.
      So this massage seen by many users, and that user think that this particular man think this way. And many times use as information tool.

      Next thing is texting can destroy English language. When we connect texting with the English language, we find the small use of words. Like,

Okay – K
      I Don’t Know – IDK

This way maybe we can connect the think of destroy English language.

  •       The biggest challenge for English language teacher in the times of internet :-

So in first point he talk about old generation teacher that can’t upgrade by the technology, but students are fast in technology, student can easily find the reading material from internet but, old generation teacher can’t upgrade with technology they use book and blackboard. So maybe this point that David deal with.

  • Texting is good for the English language :-

Texting provide two uses 1) Reading, 2) Writing. The more you text the better your literacy scores. Earlier you get your mobile phone the better your literacy scores. It is kind of learn English language through texting, and talk in English, or read other things in English.


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