Journalism FeatureWriting And LeadWriting

In journalism there are two types of writing, or say prepare a story for news, and in news channels have two way to tell the story, one is short story and many question and fast news, second is summarize story in detailed. In this blog I can discuss about two types of writing :

1. Lead Writing.
2. Feature Writing.

Let’s see in brief both :-

1. Lead Writing :-

   Lead Writing is consider as small story, and many questions, that people towards attract on that news. And people should be curious toward news. It’s all about TRP for channel. Now it is up to news channel that what way they can tell the news, and people can easily attract that news.  And Lead Writing have two types 1. Hard Lead 2. Soft Lead

News stories are basically divided into two types: hard news and soft news. Hard new generally refers to up-to-the-minute news and events that are reported immediately, while soft news is background information or human-interest stories.
Politics, war, economics and crime used to be considered hard news, while arts, entertainment and lifestyles were considered soft news.

2. Feature Writing :-

Feature Journalism is creative journalism. It escapes the hard-news format allowing the creative writers among us to write feature articles in an inventive and compelling way. Unlike short and to-the-point news articles, feature articles deal with a subject in greater depth and, usually, at greater length.

Feature Writing is explain or expand the story foe news, and in this writing it need a theme that can be helpful as background part and also use as a symbol that what news can be written. Second is Read about it, like you have to read basic about the story than you can write in a proper way without any mistake. After you know about basic thing you can think clear about that story. And at last you have Identify all the sources and collect relevant information.  


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