Breath: The Shortest Play by Samuel Beckett

The script of the play:
1. Faint light on stage littered with miscellaneous rubbish. Hold about five seconds.
2. Faint brief cry and immediately inspiration and slow increase of light together reaching maximum - together in about ten seconds. Silence and hold for about five seconds.
3. Expiration and slow decrease of light together reaching minimum together (light as in 1) in about ten seconds and immediately cry as before. Silence and hold about five seconds. 


In this Script we have to interpret the short play by Beckett. The point that has meaning in the play, given by author, and that was connected with Waiting for Godot. Waiting for Godot is meaningless, because waiting for what, and any reasons behind that waiting, and what kind of result we archived at the end of that waiting. we can't say confidentially that, they waiting for Godot that came in last, but it gave hope that some are wait for hope, for someone that came in their life, or say wait for death. this is not only one thing this is deeper things that we have to analyse in our own way. in this short play we can say that life is full of absurd, no hope at all but with this negative mind one positive thing comes that is hope, with hope we can live life happy, and we can try to change our life with that hope. so in the idea of meaningless life it gave some hope in our life also, it lacking something that hope give us that hope in life. in the world many people loose their hope with so many negative things that we think, that not gave hope or positiveness in our life and at the end we think about suicide. because life is meaningless, full of absurd and full of negative views that derives to suicide. some are think that after suicide all the problems are solved but not, because his or her family member trouble with many problems, and what their future, there is no future at all. 

Videos of the play:-

in the first video  of Breath by Damien Hirst, He highlights the product of hospitality. like every things was not proper at the place, and at the end the logo of swastik, describe somethings good, hope, and other things related with that logo.

in the second video by Liana Jourdan, it's describe the healthy food with unnecessary place. but in that place was not important but healthy food was important for our life, our health. at the end of the video, five banana was together and that banana has mark sticker that was company food, not from farm.

in the third video at the first angle the light was important thing in this video that how its burn and how its blow like slowly slowly. that kind of hope we have grow in our life. and in the second angle it describe full of absurdity and light that has back of the camera, and blackness. 

in the fourth video, the concept of clouds that has burning of the stock from the sun, and finished. in the another concept that are some tools of baby seen, but the side of baby that was different kind of thing have. their are farmer tools, with that game tools was also their. And the road with full of people that goes somewhere, but the hope of light pole was always their day, and night. next concept was something different like their is book but their is also have phone, headphone. that tell about if book was not their not problem with the help of pdf we can read in mobile also and see videos also. over all idea is there is something different that have in videos. 


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