Screening movie Waiting for Godot

1) What connection do you see in the setting (“A country road. A tree.Evening.”) of the play and these paintings?

Ans:- in this two painting one thing is same like fallen tree but the waiting is the main theme. Like day and night two person waiting and another side tree is falling down by the time Passing. 

2) The tree is the only important ‘thing’ in the setting. What is the importance of tree in both acts? Why does Beckett grow a few leaves in Act II on the barren tree - The tree has four or five leaves - ?

Ans:- The which have four or five leaves has describe some kind of hope in there mind. Because they think tree without leaves is hopeless and and leaves gave hope to them. Like in deserts have no water or tree, but if in desert you see water you see hope. that kind of thing's happen with leaves as hope.

3)  In both Acts, evening falls into night and moon rises. How would you like to interpret this ‘coming of night and moon’ when actually they are waiting for Godot?

Ans:- It's a kind of waiting, not of time. Like if you waiting for something you can't see the night and day because you waiting for something like special one, or important things. So in both act's evening falls into night it's just a background describe and also reason of waiting, with time paas and come night and day.

4) The director feels the setting with some debris. Can you read any meaning in the contours of debris in the setting of the play?

Ans:- the setting like debris, it's describe the desert kind of thing's that have no tree, no water etc. And Only a rode that feels loneliness, because people can't go like that places. So the setting feels some kind of loneliness in background. 

5) The play begins with the dialogue “Nothing to be done”. How does the theme of ‘nothingness’ recurs in the play?

Ans:- The theme of Nothingness tells about life, like we are throwing by somebody that we know as god. And the death is in our hands. In between in some times we feel nothingness like if we lose job, a good opportunity and etc than we feel Nothingness in our life. 

6) Do you agree: “The play (Waiting for Godot), we agreed, was a positive play, not negative, not pessimistic. As I saw it, with my blood and skin and eyes, the philosophy is: 'No matter what— atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, anything—life goes on. You can kill yourself, but you can't kill life." (E.G. Marshal who played Vladimir in original Broadway production 1950s)?

Ans:-it describe both positive as well as negative. Positive side is they waiting for someone it gave hope to them. But you can't leave job, home, family for someone, that is unknown. This is negative side of the play. 

7) How are the props like hat and boots used in the play? What is the symbolical significance of these props?

Ans:- after discussing in the class we know that the symbol of hat and boots. Hat has symbol of mind, and boots symbol of body. This connection between mind and body to hat and boots. 

8)  Do you think that the obedience of Lucky is extremely irritating and nauseatic? Even when the master Pozzo is blind, he obediently hands the whip in his hand. Do you think that such a capacity of slavishness is unbelievable?

Ans:- it is a theme of master and slave between Pozzo and Lucky. with this theme the mind set of both character, like Pozzo feels master all time, and Lucky see himself as slave only he find as slavish kind of thing and that thing he never free from slave. capacity of slavishness is unbelievable, as find like mind set part of human life, that how they thing self.

9)  Who according to you is Godot? God? An object of desire? Death? Goal? Success? Or  . . .
Ans:- I think boy is godot because boy came as hope of both but Vladimir can't see that godot in the boy. So now god can't said that I'm god. But we can say that it's also about death, goal, desire, and other things. 

10) “The subject of the play is not Godot but ‘Waiting’” (Esslin, A Search for the Self). Do you agree? How can you justify your answer?

Ans:- yes I am agree that the subject is waiting but not godot. Because in whol play godot not come and the hope of something that is death. Waiting for death not any other things. 

11)  Do you think that plays like this can better be ‘read’ than ‘viewed’ as it requires a lot of thinking on the part of readers, while viewing, the torrent of dialogues does not give ample time and space to ‘think’? Or is it that the audio-visuals help in better understanding of the play?

Ans:- it's depend upon people. Because they chose read or see movie for their understanding. So in book while you reading you see all the words very curiously, and search for meaning, and you know about dialogue properly. While in movie you can't have much time to hear dialogue properly and something you missed out in dialogue. So it's about both the way interpretation and chose of people. 

12) Which of the following sequence you liked the most:
o   Vladimir – Estragon killing time in questions and conversations while waiting

o   Pozzo – Lucky episode in both acts
o   Converstion of Vladimir with the boy

Ans:- Pozzo and lucky episode in both acts I like most. 

13)Did you feel the effect of existential crisis or meaninglessness of human existence in the irrational and indifference Universe during screening of the movie? Where and when exactly that feeling was felt, if ever it was?

Ans:- in the play we find the characters are individual thinkers like lucky he think that he is slave, so he becomes slave and than feel that not have freedom of choice, even he can't think as freedom person because of slave kind of idea he have and life becomes meaninglest. Also pozzo have the master kind of freedom that he think about himself as individual. At the end he get nothing as Master so idea of nothingness here comes. 

14) Vladimir and Estragon talks about ‘hanging’ themselves and commit suicide, but they do not do so. How do you read this idea of suicide in Existentialism?
Ans:- the idea of Suicide is about freedom of choice, like birth is not in your hand but death is in your hand, like if you feel absurd life you think about suicide. 

15) Can we do any political reading of the play if we see European nations represented by the 'names' of the characters (Vladimir - Russia; Estragon - France; Pozzo - Italy and Lucky - England)? What interpretation can be inferred from the play written just after World War II? Which country stands for 'Godot'?
Ans:- now it's depend upon buckets that how he see the other countries as his point of view. Because the time of world War II, he also try to define his country is good as character in the play. 

16) So far as Pozzo and Lucky [master and slave] are concerned, we have to remember that Beckett was a disciple of Joyce and that Joyce hated England. Beckett meant Pozzo to be England, and Lucky to be Ireland." (Bert Lahr who played Estragon in Broadway production). Does this reading make any sense? Why? How? What?
Ans:- like the theme of master and slave relation we see in the Pozzo and Lucky. Like England rule on Ireland.

17) The more the things change, the more it remains similar. There seems to have no change in Act I and Act II of the play. Even the conversation between Vladimir and the Boy sounds almost similar. But there is one major change. In Act I, in reply to Boy;s question, Vladimir says: 
"BOY: What am I to tell Mr. Godot, Sir?
Tell him . . . (he hesitates) . . . tell him you saw us. (Pause.You did see us, didn't you?
How does this conversation go in Act II? Is there any change in seeming similar situation and conversation? If so, what is it? What does it signify?

Ans:- in act 1 Vladimir and Estragon are together but that was dream kind of thing it finds in act 2 Vladimir is individual thinkers that he ans like you saw me only. It's his choice that he talk as individual not gather with estragon. 


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