The Role of English in India :ELT 1

1) What is English Language for you?

Ans:- as my opinion, English language was important as mother toungh ans as second language. Because only mother toungh and second language was good as in our state and some other state in our country but English was global any any place at least you know English was some level for understanding. So it's important language.

2)  What kind of challenges you are facing and have faced while learning this language?

Ans:- one of the regular thing is vocabulary problem, because you know language but without specific word you can't talk well. So one of major things is emptiness of vocabulary, while learn language.

3)  Write in brief your understanding about any one essay.

Ans:-Teaching English as Second Language in India:-

English Language is a term that it’s a global language. Now in India we have many language by different states, so first we have mother tough and second language in study like Hindi in Gujarat. So now English language now on third stage. In India English Language Symbolize as Linguistic Centralism but native language as regionalism. In India have class conflict so the rural people are aloof from English Language and Ruling class demanded English in India. So the main point in this unit is to learn English language so we can promote national integration like no other Languages did. So in first came with English language people think their native language was better than English, but they not think about other language and if our writers write in many language it become world Literature. So now in school have teach English language in primary. 

4)  According to you which Position English Language should be given?

Ans:- now this question is depend upon people that, which language is important, because people gave review as they know some Particular language as. For example one person that he knows Hindi and Gujarati only, so his review becomes his way of understanding of language not becomes global language kind of things. As according to me obviously first is mother toungh second Hindi or third English, this way i can give position.

5)  How you see your future with English Language?

Ans:- it's depend upon people or me that in future what kind of job I'll do, so it's about teaching that English language was most important part of my life if I'll do job in marketing so it's depend about customer that they speck in which language that not properly one that are many like in Hindi, Gujarati Even in English also. So it's depend upon job also.


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