Online discussion : Mario Vargas Llosa ' interview

  • Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian novelist and awarded the Nobel prize for literature in 2010.

Here i write three ideas which I liked .. 

  •  Importance of Devils 
  •  Ideas and Images
  •  Novelist is the Historia

              Importance of Devil. Georges Bataille said that in human beings, there are angels and devils. Sometimes the angels are important, but for literature, devils are important too. Literature is a testimony of what we want to hide in the real word.

               Ideas and Images. they have been brought up in a culture where images are much more important than ideas, so they resist the superiority of ideas. For the first time, in a culture that is totally global, without differences between East and West, we are all part of this new culture in which images are the great protagonists.
                            Young people today tend to think that images can form modern creative citizens. They don’t. Images create a passive citizen, more easily domesticated than the citizen formed by ideas. I am certainly convinced that ideas are much more important than images. During my lifetime, I have witnessed this power of ideas — and the decisive battles over ideas fought by public intellectuals.

                         Novelist is the Historia. History and literature are faces of a coin. They are so close, and in many cases, the literary version of a historical part prevails over a historian’s account. For example, we believe Tolstoy is absolutely right when describing the Napoleonic wars in literature. Probably historians are more accurate, but it doesn’t matter. The way literature impregnates the imagination is what matters.

                 I like literature that is still very close to living experiences. I don’t like very much the idea of the writer completely isolated, secluded in a library.


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