Assignment on The Fakeer of Jungheera

Name:- Rajdip.P.Gohel
Roll. No:- 36
Paper No:- 4- Indian Writing in English
Class:- M.A Sem-1
Topic:- The Fakeer of Jungheera
Enrolment No:- 2069108420190017
College:- Smt.S.B.Gardi Department Of English
Email Id:-
Submitted:- Department Of English M.K.University, Bhavnagar

Ø      Introduction:-

                   The Fakeer of Jungheera is a narrative verse. It is a story of a young, beautiful Brahmin widow Nuleeni and strange vicissitudes of her star crossed life. Her husband dies and she is forced to become “sati” for him. But at that time Fakeer come for as a her former lover to rescue her. The lovers elopes and finds shelter on the rocks of Jungheera. Nuleeni, for a very brief period of life, tastes sweetness of love and freedome. Nuleeni’s father is feels as his pride is lost. He comes with other family members to take revenge and Fakeer dies fighting. Nuleeni rushes to the field and sees her lover dying. With Fakeer her hope for life dies and she finds peace in blissful death in the arms of her dead lover.
                  In this poem I am discussing about the role of religion in Indian society, culture and tradition, revenge, death, Rigid caste system so all the point after discussing what poem said that with this point is clear in our mind.

Ø       Role of religion in Indian Society:-

                      The faker of Jungheera is the best poem by Henry Derozio. In the faker of Jungheera Derozio has observed Indian society. In the effect of religion is very powerful. I think religion has played a major role in shaping of Indian society. We can see at the character of Nuleeni so she is a young widow with rosy dreams of life in the poem. She has her individual ideas but religion is used as a powerful weapon to condition Nuleeni’s mind. The Fakeer of Jungheera central theme is the ignoble and in human practice of ‘sati’ in the contemporary orthodox Indian society. This rotten system had been in vogue in the Indian society for centuries. If we can see the bollywood movies in past so we find this system in the movie Mangal pandey in the movie we can find the satipratha do as a fastivel in that scene one married is sati and other are go for burn that woman with her husband after some time one britisher come that scene and stopped that. Some rules like after her husband died so she become sati. Live life as a widower. Now this compare with the other country so there no rules like this in other country woman do the second marriage.
                     Derozio approvingly quotes a writer from the Indian magazine and endorses the latter’s opinion that sati constitutes the most barbaric and degrading aspect of Indian society which can be overcome through education and intellectual development. During the 19th century many upper caste Hindu women willfully committed sati mistakenly believing in the veracity of the Hindu ritual, an abominable act through a long process of socialization.

Ø     culture and tradition:-

                    these woman speak as subaltern. They are singing songs of the festival of death but their pain is veiled by phallic structure of language. They are happy for Nuleeni not because she is going to become sati but because:

     “Happy! Thrice happy thus early to leave
Earth and its sorrows, for heaven and its bliss
Who that hath known it at parting would grieve
Quitting a world so disastrous as this?”
                   We can find that culture and tradition are change at that time because we see example like in the village we can find more tradition in that culture in any work so it’s become going on that time but today’s it’s far better that old time. In Fakeer of Jungheera poem see the king is there and about Nuleeni so she is not accept the marriage but the traditional and culture so she is ready for that after that her husband dead so now she become sati so this type of tradition is like dangers in our culture.

              These lines revel the tragic condition of widow in Indian culture. For them death is a better option as society would torture them daily and their life would be in hell as society would not allow a widow to remarry. They promise Nuleeni that she should become a queen if she becomes sati. The word happy does not actually mean happiness. Derozio himself has used a very symbolic language to convey the message. The real message is hidden so one has to deconstruct the language.

Ø     Revenge:-
                    Nuleeni father wants revenge. The reason is Nuleeni is widow and now she goes on the sati at the scene Fakeer come because Fakeer loves Nuleeni so she goes with Fakeer both run and after that both stay at Jungheera is the cave. So now Fakeer atteck Nuleeni’s father pride. After next day he come at the cave with the king and army, so he goes to fight with Fakeer. Fakeer is killed by Nuleeni’s father and brothers. She also dies with her lover as life was not possible after that.

Ø     Rigid caste system:-
                 We can considered in India like upper class is Brahmin in down kshatriya than down vaishya and last is sudra so this is our old system in India. India is our motherland. In Fakeer of Jungheera poem we can find so much things in the poem like social things how’s they live life, political the king is there so one man provide as a political and religious are different with caste.
            The Fakeer of Jungheera” in protagonist of the Fakeer poem is a robber Fakeer or a mendicantwho belongs to some unidentified Muslim sect, while the heroine the widow Nuleeni, comes from an upper cast Bengali Hindu family.

                The Fakeer of Jungheera' Deroiz mixed the tantric, Hindu, Mythological, Islamic and Cristian tradition. He got the idea about writing the poem of spiritual love from Baital Pachisi. As the story goes, if King Vikram remains stead fast  in his love for his queen he can resurrect her and once more both can find happiness together. The dauntless fortitude and courage that The King exemplifies by passing through the horrible ordeals in the graveyard leading to his triumph, inspire conclusion to the tragic death of the Fakeer in the arms of his beloved Nuleeni. If the Nuleeni can again be resurrected in the arms of the Fakeer if she can pass through the horrors and temptations of life. Nuleeni was married to a Brahmin. Her husband dies in an early youth. Naleeni, the beloved of Fakeer never loved her husband. In the days of never loved her husband. In the days of Henry Derozio Indian subcontinent was cought by many evils like ‘Sati Pratha’ killing girl child by boiling the still born baby in the hot pot of milk etc. Nuleeni belonged to a conservative Hindu society in the nineteenth century. She was pure and beautiful she doesn’t went to end her life behind a person whom she never loved. Nuleeni was brought to the spot where her husband is to be cremated. Women were singing songs praising sati. They sang of going to heaven but poor Nuleeni was lost in the thoughts of Fakeer.

                    She refuses to die on the funeral pure of her husband and esapes with the bandit faker to his cave in Jungheera to a life from death; She escaped death but she starts a life of forbidden love though frightened by violent social norms she believes that her lover’s courage and her anfailing love will finally make them victorious. Her fair and beautiful face brightens the dark social setting of the poem and mitigates the bold audacity of the Fakeer who snatches her from the midst of a group of mourning upper caste Hindu at the Funeral. In the intense bond of love they forgot the society. They forgot their caste discrimination. They forget strength of power. They Forgot strength of power. They Challenged the man made norms of the society. Both of them completely forgot themselves and did not realize that their lives were at risk. Fakeer, bravely snatched her from the hands of so called upper-class people. Would they tolerate this insult of taking away of female by weaker sect.

                  Now, Derozio sees love between a Hindu and a Muslim as transcending religion, though this could be Derozio’s own atheistic vision of religion categories based on his rationalistic temper. There was a hardening of identity of Bengali Muslims in the subcontinent as Islam provided ‘a sense of belonging’ to the Muslim community. In the absence of powerful Muslim leadership in 19th century Bengal, the ulema emerged as the leaders. Britishers were partial too. On one hand the prohibited sati system on the other hand they allowed being sati with permission. The hardening of religious categories in colonial Bengali lays the ground for the inevitable conflict that ensues in the second canto. In the beginning of the canto the end lies. The popular belief that love for a woman can lead any god-fearing young man away from the worship of Allah. Then starts the tragic events one by one. The father of beautiful widow Nuleeni determines to avenge Fakeer. He goes to Shah Shiva the king of his time. He requests him to send his army with him to avenge the Fakeer.

Ø Conclusion:-
                     So we finds the many way to see this poem The hardening of religious identifies in the late 19th and early 20thcenturies and the deepening schism between various religious categories, especially Hindus and Muslims, rejected the entire syncretistic tradition that once flowed unhampered not only in Bengal but the entire British India exemplified in the cult of satya pir. The theme coupled with the use of imagery set in the Indian context imparts to it a unique Indian colouring. This poem amply testifies to the poetic genius of such a young poet.


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