Northrop Frye: The Archetypes of Literature

Q1. What is Archetypal criticism? What does the Archetypal critic do?

Ans:-  In literary criticism the term archetype denotes recurrent narratives designs, patterns of action, character-types, themes, and images which are identifiable in a wide variety of works of literature, as well as in myths, dreams, and even social rituals. Such recurrent items are held to be the result of elemental and universal forms or patterns in the human psyche, whose effective embodiment in a literary work evokes a profound response from the attentive reader, because he or she shares the psychic archetypes expressed by the author. 

Q2. What is Frye trying prove by giving an analogy of 'physics of nature' and criticism to literature. 

Ans:-  There are four types of nature. We can see in the grid of mythos. 

1. Spring that related with comedy
2. Summer that related with Romance
3. Autumn that related with Tragedy
4. Winter that related with Satire

1. Comedy is aligned with spring because the genre of comedy is characterized by the birth of the hero, revival and resurrection. Also, spring symbolizes the defeat of winter and darkness.
·        Romance and summer are paired together because summer is the culmination of life in the seasonal calendar, and the romance genre culminates with some sort of triumph, usually a marriage.
·        Autumn is the dying stage of the seasonal calendar, which parallels the tragedy genre because it is, (above all), known for the “fall” or demise of the protagonist.
·        Satire is metonymized with winter on the grounds that satire is a “dark” genre. Satire is a disillusioned and mocking form of the three other genres. It is noted for its darkness, dissolution, the return of chaos, and the defeat of the heroic figure.

Q3. Share your views of criticism as an organised body of knowledge. Mention relation of literature with history and philosophy. 

               Literature is central division of humanities flanked on one side by history and other side by philosophy." 

Literature have two main pillow, History and philosophy. Because without these two literature is incomplete. In brief History has events and philosophy has idea.

Q4. Briefly explain inductive method with illustration of Shakespeare's Hamlet's grave digger's scene.

Ans:-  in inductive method we find there is one point and connect with many Dot's and historical event. In hamlet the scene of grave digger. Hamlet pick up one skull and identify with the condition of that skull. He think about Alexander the great.

Q5. Explain deductive method with reference to an analogy to music, painting, rhythm and pattern. Give example of the outcome of deductive method. 

Ans:-  in inductive method we find that many Dot's connect with one point. Example of music. Music have lyrics and metaphors. Music refer river, mountain, rain, and it's this all the things connecte with the love. 

    Q6. Refer to the indian seasonal grid if you can please read small Gujarati or Hindi or English poem from the archetypal approach and apply Indian seasonal grid in the interpretation


The fields are rich with daffodils,
A coat of clover cloaks the hills,
And I must dance, and I must sing
To see the beauty of the spring.

The earth is warm, the sun's ablaze,
It is a time of carefree days;
And bees abuzz that chance to pass
May see me snoozing in the grass.

The birds are gone, the world is white,
The winds are wild, they chill and bite;
The ground is thick with slush and sleet,
And I can barely feel my feet.

   This poem has four seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
First four line related with the Spring, because this four line describe that there is someone who flying on the flower. The beauty of the spring that who flying on that feel like it dancing or singing.

Second four line related with the summer. This four line describe about warm summer and heat. And bees has a choice to pass in the grass with snoozing.

Third four line related with the winter. Bird are gone reason that winter is start and the world is white with the snow. And this winter was so cold that I can barely feel my feet.


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