T. S. Eliot: Tradition and Individual Talent

Q1. How would you like to explain Elliot's concept of Tradition? Do you agree with it?

Ans:-    For Eliot, Tradition has a three-fold significance.Firstly, tradition cannot be inherited andinvolves a great deal of labour and erudition.Secondly, it involves the historical sense which involves apperception not only of the pastness of the past, but also of its presence. Thirdly the historical sense enables a writer to write not only with his own generation in mind, but with a feeling that the whole of the literature from Homer down to the literature of his own country forms a continuous literary tradition.

From my perspective Elliot's concept of historical sense is most important thing and second is idea this mixers important for literature. But in traditional we find religious have there own traditional clothes and rules. 
And also a writer require historical sense, because a has a sense that what he write in today's time with new generation. So historical sense is most important thing in T.S.Elliot's concept. 

Q2. What do you understand by historical sense? 

Ans:-  In the modern time what writer should write with historical sense. Because in today's time writer know about the today's situation and historical sense also, because without historical sense if he writes about today's situation, so people react with other angle. And you criticize with the anti national thing. So historical sense is a part of literature. 

Q3. What is the relationship between "Tradition" And "The Individual talent" According to the poet T.S.Eliot? 

Ans: T. S. Eliot was a classical in literature. He was the first in modern times to redefine the word ' tradition '. He equated 'tradition' with 'historicity' or 'historical sense'. According to him Tradition is the past and the new (present ) taken together. Tradition means both the creative works of writers and the works of critics from the past to the present. It also means, both the individual qualities and the common (traditional ) qualities.

Q4. xplain: "Some can absorb knowledge, the more tardy must sweat for itShakespeare acquired more essential history from Plutarch than most men could from the whole British Museum".
Ans:-    Eliot demands from his poets as well as from his readers a wide reading. So that make them write with as he calls history in their bones. He also finds is that Shakespeare seems to be an exception. 
         Shakespeare takes the line of Matthew Arnold who says that people who can absorb an epoch also can become very good creative. 

Q5. Explain: "Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry".

Ans:-  let's talk about other writer and there works. If you or me like or favorite one work so we can not love the poet but we loves only his works not the auther. Let's see with my example that i love rj vashishtha poems but i also like his face because I also follow him. This is not right, because if i love him also so its difficult to criticize him. So love works not authors. 

Q6. How would you like to explain Eliot's theory of ddepersonalization? You can explain with the help of chemical reaction in presence of catalyst agent, Platinum.

Ans:-  example of chemical reaction that the making of H2SO4 is require platinum in the process. But the end of the result or end product we can't find platinum in the product. So process is most important than the end of the result. 

Q7. Explain: " Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality."

Ans:-  The analogy of scientific experiment in make two chemicals oxygen and sulfur dioxide, when they are mixed in the presence of platinum it converts into sulfuric acid but sulfuric acid does not have any drees of platinum. 

Q8. Write two points on which one can write critique on T.S.Eliot as a critic. 

Ans:-   Harold Bloom (The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry:1975) presents a conception of tradition that differs from that of Eliot. Whereas Eliot believes that the great poet is faithful to his predecessors and evolves in a concordant manner, Bloom (according to his theory of "anxiety of influence") envisions the "strong poet" to engage in a much more aggressive and tumultuous rebellion against tradition.


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